New Star Tours Destinations have been announced
Disney today announced that coming on December 20th (the same day as Rise of Skywalker releases) will be new destinations for Star tours.
One of those new destinations will be the ocean moon seen in the trailers for the movie, Kef Bir. The new experiences will be opening at Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney Resort all on the same day.
According to the Star Wars Wiki –
Kef Bir was an ocean moon that was the homeworld of Jannah, a human female freedom fighter who, by the time of the First Order–Resistance war, led a tribe of brave and noble warriors. Some remains of the Death Star II were located on an ocean on Kef Bir.

This isn’t the first new destination added to Star Tours. Check out the updates that give Star Tours – The Adventure continues its name below.
Star Tours – The adventure continues has updated its flight destinations since its opening in 2011
Disney, Lucas Film and Industrial Light & Magic have partnered up once again since the ride reopened in 2011 and added more destinations to the ride. The new Star Tours was built to be modular which means new destinations could easily be added to the randomized ride profile. The original Star Tours was just one ride experience featuring Captain Rex (RX-24) and C3P0 but this experience closed in the USA in 2010. Be sure to look out for an upcoming Expedition on Star Tours where we delve back into the galaxy far far away and be sure to subscribe to be notified when it does.
The first new destination added was Jakku in 2015
When the Force Awakens was released in 2015 a scene involving Finn flying the Falcon over the crashed Star Destroyer was added. BB8 was also part of this update and for a short period guests riding Star Tours were guaranteed to see this scene before it was placed in the randomized sequences.
At the end of 2017, Crait was added as one of the destinations. The salt planet from The Last Jedi finale would place the guests in the epic battle between the First Order and The Resistance. This update added further characters such as Maz Kanata, a sequence involving Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron and more.
The 2017 update would also see Batuu added. This new end destination would see the guests land on Disney’s new land that would open in 2019 and be a small tease of what was to come.
Though the Skywalker Saga ends with Rise of Skywalker this doesn’t necessarily mean end of additions to the ride.
Are you excited for the new destinations? Looking forward to the end of the Skywalker saga? Let us know in comments below.
See you next time.