
Ice Breaker Update – One Track Piece Left

Ice Breaker is almost fully complete with one final track piece left to install

Time for an Ice Breaker update at SeaWorld, Orlando. Construction has been ramping up and looks to be in its final stages of track construction before its Spring 2020 opening.

We visited on February 21st and only one track piece is left to be installed. Station gates have also been installed where it looks like it will have quite a tight station queue space. Other notable elements that can be seen in the construction photos below is the queue entry signage posts have been implemented.

Check out the photos below. As always click on them for some more detail.

Ice Breaker Update
Overview of the construction site from the Seven Seas Bridge
Ice Breaker Update
A look at the top hat. The second to last track is being installed just behind Bayside Stadium.
Ice Breaker Update
That second to last piece seen through the top hat element.
Ice Breaker Update
The last section of track to be installed. The top hat element to the right sweeps into this section.
Ice Breaker Update
That second to last track piece being lifted into position.
Ice Breaker Update
Closer look at the workers installing the second to last track.
Ice Breaker Update
More of that track being lifted into place.
Ice Breaker Update
The final section left to be completed.
Ice Breaker Update
Last bit of Ice Breaker was not completed while we were there on Friday night.
Ice Breaker Update
Closer look at the gap for the final piece.
Ice Breaker Update
Look from underneath the track at the back portion of the ride.
Ice Breaker Update
Fencing in place underneath the top hat.
Ice Breaker Update
Track going in underneath the return section to the station.

Station Overview and Station Gates

Ice Breaker Update
A look at the progress on the station from the Orca Encounter stadium. Exit pathway fencing going in.
Ice Breaker Update
Trying to spot any signs of ride vehicles by the switch track.
Ice Breaker Update
Peering into the station and down towards the switch track.
Ice Breaker Update
View of the station work. Inside you will see lighting installed and the station gates.
Ice Breaker Update
Closer look at the station gates. Not much queue space inside the station.
Ice Breaker Update
Peering through the vertical spike. To the left is the lockers.
Ice Breaker Update
Looking at the exit pathway with fencing in progress.
Ice Breaker Update
Overview from behind the vertical spike.
Ride Entrance Signage
Ice Breaker Update
This new post area looks like it will be used to signal the entry into Ice Breaker.
Ice Breaker Update
Another look at that possible entry archway.

That about does it for this construction update.

It won’t be too long before that final track piece is installed and work can begin on testing and landscaping. Station work still needs to be completed as the operator booth still looks a little empty.

No sign of the ride vehicles on site yet but keep an eye out here and our twitter, for more Ice Breaker update.

Look out for our thoughts and some food reviews of the Seven Seas Food Festival at SeaWorld, Orlando coming this weekend to the website.

For more information on Ice Breaker check out the SeaWorld website here.

To see how things have progressed since our last construction update click here.


See you next time.